Devotion 3-1-24, Jeremiah 31:3- “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness." Do you believe God loves you? There are times in our lives when God "feels" far away. He even seems to stay away on purpose. These senses, these feelings, are real but inaccurate. The problem is sorting it out. The sorting process requires a knowledge of God and yourself. Our emotional state fluctuates for innumerable reasons - fatigue, other people, habits, the list is virtually endless. God, on the other hand, is unmoving, unchanging, undivided. As you begin to read His word and spend time together with Him, you find the central thought of God is love and relationship. You are fluid, changeable; God is a rock. Your emotional state fluctuates; God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What He says, He means, period! Therefore, When God says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love..," you can trust it is true and unchanging. Certainly, we can severely grieve God, but, the truth is that His love does not change. That love is dependable and true. That love desires our best, works for our best, prepares us for our best. As each day of life is lived, as we walk, run, or sit, do not for one second forget God's expansive, overflowing, unending love is with you, around you, and in you. He is loving you and actually pursuing you with love. Allow His love, His lovingkindness, to wrap you up and hold you close. Feelings are fickle; God is steadfast and sure. Do you love Him? He loves you!
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