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Devotion's by Deborah

Writer's picture: Deborah BoehmDeborah Boehm

Devotion 1-18-24, Colossians 2:5b-6- "...rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ. Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him," In Colossians 2, variations on the phrase "in Him" occur over 10 times. In fact, it is an important theme throughout the book. These verses encourage faith "in Him," receiving Jesus as Lord, and then walking "in Him." Scripture is meant to be read and applied, not just read for reading's sake. What does "in Him" mean in my life, in your life? It is often necessary, even for a seasoned Bible veteran, to look up the scripture references that a verse indicates. This is always thought-provoking and instructive. Verse 5 mentions faith "in Christ" and references 1st Peter 5:9 - (referring to Satan) "but resist him, firm in your faith..." Verse 6, references faith in Galatians 3:26- "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus." This verse also explains that to be "in Him" you must have faith in Christ Jesus alone, no other. Additionally, verse 6 references Colossians 1:10 - describing our walk "in Him"- "so that you walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;" We see faith, we see walking, and we see "in Him." Just this little bit again summarizes our salvation and life. We believe by faith, we begin to move along, walking, stumbling and learning in our faith; and as we do, we gain greater faith from God, as well as greater knowledge of how and what God desires for us and from us. We walk more perfectly "in Him.' We will never perfectly serve Him; but we may walk "in Him," in perfect love. Our goal is to be so "in Him" that His love, His agenda, His life shines through ours and brings a change of heart and life to others!

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