Devotion 1-13-24, Psalm 34:19- "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all." Just because we are saved does not preclude us from "afflictions." Being alive in this world means we will experience afflictions. As children of God, our afflictions may be of a different sort; but, as long as we live and breathe in this world, we will experience problems. Psalm 34 is a psalm written about God hearing us and delivering us from our fears, troubles, brokenheartedness, and afflictions. The psalmist does not question the existence of the problems. But, he also does not question God's intervention. Children of God experience life, as do all in the world; however, we do not intentionally create problems, as much of the world has done. As God's own, we use wisdom and Holy Spirit guidance to avoid what may be avoided. Beyond that, we suffer as part of our place in humanity. Praise God! He intervenes; He delivers; He loves; He cares for each of us individually. Take note that God delivers as we ask. We are humans, so we suffer afflictions; but, we are also God's, so we may ask for deliverance. God will intervene; He wants to be asked. Our asking, as children of a loving Father, allows Him to intervene. He will not violate our free will, ever. But He waits to intervene and deliver those who ask. We know this is true because when we "ask" for salvation, believing Him, it is immediately given. This is the greatest intervention of all! Psalm 34:22 says "The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned (or held guilty)." Do not be surprised that you, in your humanity, suffer. It is part of living. But, also, as a child of God, redeemed by Jesus's shed blood and resurrection, you may ask for relief. God chooses how, when, and where the relief will come. He loves you and will be with you always! Do not forget to ask. He is waiting for it; He is desiring to help you. Ask!
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