Devotion 12-23-23 "but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7 Jesus died that we might live. Jesus's blood was shed on the cross for one purpose. He, Himself, was sinless. Therefore, He could be the sinless, pure sacrifice that God required to, once for all, cancel sin. In Him, and in Him only, all sin is forgiven. No other means is available. There is no other way to heaven than through the blood of Jesus. But, once we have stepped into that transaction by faith and confession, we may experience the most surprising result. Once we have confessed our sin and asked for salvation, Jesus, the Light, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit now come to live in you, and fellowship with you. We have fellowship with each other in Christian community; and, we have fellowship with God. We walk with each other and we walk with God. Because we are fallible, liable to sin, sin tempts us regularly. Occasionally, we slip up and give in. But, we may rapidly re-establish our relationship with God by again confessing our sin and trusting in Jesus. He already knows. He is waiting for the confession, anticipating the reconnection. Do not hesitate for a minute. Confess and then fellowship in intimacy with God. It is why He died and rose again -- so that you might live. Keep your eyes on Him; He loves you!
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