Devotion 12-21-23 Luke 1:46 - 47 , "And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior." Mary, a teenage girl, was chosen by God for the most special and dangerous assignment on earth. The angel Gabriel told her she was highly favored by God. Instead of thinking highly of herself, she exalted, lifted up and praised God for the privilege of her assignment. She chose submission and obedience to God's will. She knew the dangers. As a girl, engaged to be married, she could have been rejected by her fiancee, Joseph. As an unmarried, pregnant girl, she could be publicly stoned to death. This was not a "safe" decision. It was a bold profession of faith in God. Mary said, "My soul exalts the Lord..." She lifted God's name on high; she deflected all attention to Him. She honored Him rather than giving in to fear. She lifted God's name on high and trusted that what He said, He would do. She chose rejoicing in God over fear of people. We all find ourselves in situations where we must make similar choices. Mary was already a servant of God; are you? Mary already knew God as her Savior; do you? Mary chose God's very difficult assignment; will you? Mary exalted God in the midst of the difficulty; will you? She went into her choice with eyes open and heart ready. Psalms 35:9- "And my soul shall rejoice in the Lord; It shall exult in His salvation."
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