We have uploaded our Golden Ticket to the Website it is on the Affidavit of Statement Page. Under the home menu
Welcome to the new website for the Affidavit Mommas. We are so happy that you are here. We would like you to know that we are here to teach and educate you and to help you if we can. We are working on many different documents. Notices, Affidavits, Remonstrances, Writs and Torts. We want to make sure that you get the right one for your situation. Please reach out to us at our email address so we can talk with you before you use a document. These Documents are free. We can talk with you also by a zoom meeting.
If you have any questions or need help send us an email to affidavitmommas2021@gmail.com

If you are going to mail something out here is some information for you. The Affidavit Mommas are here to help you learn about the Constitution and how to use all our documents in your life. We have some documents here for you but let us help you first to know if you have the right document for what you need. You can print the Notice or Affidavit on 8.5" x 14" Legal Paper. You should mail certified with return receipt. Or Hand Deliver make sure you video yourself serving and get a signature from the person you gave it to.

We have many documents for you now.
So much has happened over the years. We The Affidavit Mommas have much more to share and help you with. Email us to find out what documents are needed for what you are needing to do. We are here and willing to help you.

Getting ready for Mailing